Burkina Faso
Addressing climate change adaptation in fragile settings and conflict-affected countries: Lessons learned from the Adaptation Fund’s portfolio
The study provides an overview of the Fund’s experience and lessons learned from addressing climate change adaptation and strengthening long-term resilience in fragile and conflict-afflicted countries.
Public Engagement on Climate Change Adaptation: A briefing for developing country National Adaptation Plan teams
This report, jointly prepared by Climate Outreach and the NAP Global Network, provides an introduction to public engagement on climate change adaptation. It makes recommendations for how to make public engagement with climate adaptation inclusive and effective, and how to make links to the Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) agenda under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.
Using EWI to inform the implementation of a WASH master plan in the municipality of Banfora, Burkina Faso
Explore how the EWI tool was applied in collaboration with IRC and local WASH authorities, who are developing and implementing a 2018–2030 strategic master plan for water and sanitation services in Banfora, Burkina Faso.
Climate change, water systems and WASH resources
Climate trends and impacts on water resources In Burkina Faso, the key trends include: An increase in average temperatures of 1.7°C by...
Addressing the Land Degradation –Migration Nexus: the Role of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
A review of existing evidence, good practices, and policy recommendations on the complex interrelationships between migration and desertification, land degradation and drought.
Gender and Water Security in Burkina Faso: Lessons for adaptation
This policy brief looks at water security risks in Burkina Faso through a gender lens, providing insights on how gendered norms and practices produce differentiated risks.
Revenue-Generating Opportunities Through Tailored Weather Information Products
This continental-scale market assessment investigated how thriving commercial weather markets could be catalysed in the 11 African countries supported by the CIRDA programme.
Gender in water and sanitation – empowerment by numbers
An Empowerment in WASH Index aims to identify imbalances in decision-making power between men and women of different ethnic and socio-economic groups in Burkina Faso.
Supporting private adaptation to climate change in semi-arid lands in developing countries
This PRISE policy brief argues that to unlock the potential of businesses to drive climate-resilient development, support for private adaptation in semi arid lands needs to be rapidly upscaled.
Amélioration des modes de gestion de l’eau dans le périmètre rizicole de la plaine de Douna dans la Région des Cascades au Burkina Faso
Gaspillage de l'eau, baisse de la pluie, mauvaise gestion de la production, rechercher mode de gestion participatif eau et bassin-versant /meilleure résilience des exploitants/communauté.