
FUNDECOR is a Costa Rican Non-Governmental Organization founded in 1989 through international cooperation. From that moment on, we’ve been fostering a development model in the country´s Central Volcanic Mountain Range Conservation Area that has proven that conservation and economic growth can coexist in harmony.
FUNDECOR is comprised by an interdisciplinary team, which includes biologists, forest engineers, Geographic Information System specialists, international cooperation professionals in addition to environmental managers.
By addressing local environmental issues, FUNDECOR has developed innovative and effective solutions in the region that have a strong and widespread global impact.
Mission statement
Contribute to sustainable management of natural resources and improve quality of life within the Central Volcanic Range Conservation Area, through the design of innovative and replicable development models.
Vision statement
To be a lead organization in integrated resource management in areas of high natural richness and concentration, in order to become a model for Costa Rica, the region, and the world.