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GOPA is an independent private consultant company with activities around the globe. The company implements planning, management and training projects for national and international financing agencies as well as private industry. Its reputation for excellence and efficiency is built on fifty years of planning and implementing technical assistance projects in developing and transition economies. GOPA’s international activities are directed from its head office in Bad Homburg, near Frankfurt/Main, Germany.

Since its founding in 1965, GOPA has successfully implemented over 3,450 projects in more than 130 countries. The net result: extensive and proven global expertise in development issues as well as access to a qualified network of local specialists and partner organisations around the world.

GOPA Consultants provide services in the following areas:

Education and Employment Promotion Pre-school, primary, secondary and higher education, technical and vocational education and training, employment promotion

Governance and Economic Development Good governance, economic development, social development, public administration reform, public finance

Infrastructure Development Public utilities, construction management and supervision, waste management, environmental infrastructure, infrastructure financing, operation and maintenance, transport policy/planning/economics, procurement services

Monitoring & Evaluation/Quality M&E methods and capacity development, monitoring, evaluation, impact evaluation

Rural Development and Environment Natural resources and biodiversity, climate change, environmental management, agriculture and livestock, marine resoures management, food security, regional and local development, social investment funds

Statistics Statistical consultancy, statistical capacity building, statistical methodology, statistical training, statistical dialogue

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