economic development
Degrowth, green growth, and climate justice for Africa
The article explores how degrowth, green growth, and climate justice intersect in Africa, arguing that rethinking economic models is key to balancing sustainability and social equity across the continent.
Urban heat in South Asia: Integrating people and place in adapting to rising temperatures
Learn about the current state of knowledge of and plans to manage urban heat in South Asia in this World Bank policy brief. It examines heat in South Asian cities through the different layers of the urban environment, explores different population groups that are vulnerable to urban heat, and provides 3 key recommendations.
Building Climate Resilience through Ecosystem-based Adaptation Planning UN CC:e-Learn online course
Considering ecosystem approaches as part of national development planning has always been challenging for many countries around the world. Through its three modules, this course will highlight the key concepts, tools, examples and steps for integrating EbA in the NAP process.
Climate Change & Environment Nexus Brief: Mini-grids
This nexus brief focuses on rural electrification through mini-grids and their importance for the nexus of sustainable development, poverty alleviation, and climate change.
Decentralising climate finance: insights from Kenya and Ethiopia
This paper explores different mechanisms for delivering climate finance at the local level.
Key reports for the CC&E Network 2014-2016
These publications provide insights and learning on key topics in climate change mitigation, adaptation and sustainable development, and highlight areas for future research and policy development.
INSIDE STORY: Renewable energy solutions for Punjab’s industrial sector – Evaluating the NAMA approach in Sialkot City, Pakistan
This project assessed a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) as a policy tool to provide renewable energy to the industrial sector in Sialkot, Pakistan.
Opportunities for climate compatible coastal tourism – Lessons from Belize
In Belize, growth in the tourism sector is often accompanied by habitat degradation that directly threatens the resources upon which the industry depends.
LEDS in Practice: Use trade policy to realize the benefits of low emission development
This paper looks at how shifting to a low emission future offers opportunities for trade, which in turn contributes to growth and development.
Migration, development and climate change in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia
This paper looks at the current state of migration in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, the risks, opportunities and strategies migration offers, and its nexus with development and climate change.