Social Impacts
Urban heat in South Asia: Integrating people and place in adapting to rising temperatures
Learn about the current state of knowledge of and plans to manage urban heat in South Asia in this World Bank policy brief. It examines heat in South Asian cities through the different layers of the urban environment, explores different population groups that are vulnerable to urban heat, and provides 3 key recommendations.
Climate Resilient Agriculture Network – Türkiye
The Climate Resilient Agriculture Network (CRAN) brings together non-governmental organizations, farmers' unions, public institutions and organizations, the private sector, academia, and working groups to work on sharing, implementing, and disseminating adaptation methods and experiences.
Slow-onset climate hazards in Southeast Asia: Enhancing the role of social protection to build resilience
This report examines those issues and identifies principles to guide future research on social protection to build resilience to slow-onset events, focusing on coastal communities.