Green Africa Directory
Green Africa Directory is Africa’s online environmental sustainability network – a repository of green organisations operating in Africa. It is an online eco networking platform that showcases green organizations from across Africa and their products, services and projects. Launched in 2012, it features a directory of green organizations, green events, green jobs, green tenders & opportunities, green specials & competitions, a green blog and a myriad of useful resources. Africa has a wealth of green organizations and initiatives.
The directory aims to provide an easily accessible, searchable and coordinated online platform for environmental sustainability in Africa that facilitates and encourages networking, collaboration, information and knowledge sharing and the mainstreaming of green choices into the daily lives of people and organisations. An underlying aim of the Green Africa Directory is to raise collective awareness for environmental issues, promote and gain additional support for environmental issues, and to profile green solutions. The Green Africa Directory aims to be a source of inspiration for people and organizations through providing information on green products, services and initiatives.