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The Institute for Environment and Development (IED) is a non-profit organization committed for developing and promoting active citizenship among civil society members including community people with special emphasis to the poor, women, youths and minorities (ethnic and religious). It was established in 1995 and is registered with the Government of Bangladesh under the Directorate of Social Welfare of Government of Bangladesh and NGO affairs Bureau of Government of Bangladesh. IED has strong presence in the area of the rights of indigenous people, women empowerment, community awareness raising, strengthening Union Parishad and Pourasava and its standing Committees, information dissemination, campaign, civic rights awareness, education system and curricula development, youth development, women empowerment, advocacy/lobbying, training and capacity building of government, semi-government, autonomous bodies and local government representatives through implementing various projects over the last couple of years. It is now well-established as a leading NGO of Bangladesh.

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