The INTASAVE-CARIBSAVE Group is a global not-for-profit organisation that innovates, connects and implements practical solutions for sustainable development and climate change. At the heart of what we do lies our in-depth understanding of the unique cultural, political and social context in the countries we work in.
We have offices in the following geographical areas:
We work across four areas of focus:
- Climate Change Science, Policy and Practice
- Low Carbon Development and Renewable Energy
- Society and Sustainable Livelihoods
- Biodiversity, Eco-systems and Marine Conservation
In each of these areas, we innovate, connect and implement solutions for climate change and sustainable development.
Our Vision
A world that responds to the opportunities and challenges of a changing climate and provides an equitable and sustainable future for all.
Our Mission
Working with, and supporting, societies, economies, communities and environments in responding to a changing climate; providing innovative, dynamic and evidence-based tools and solutions. Our focus is innovation, and the connection and implementation of effective solutions, for policy and practice, to climate challenges.
Our Values
Our values of People, Partnership and Practicality underpin all of what we do.
We are a partner in the ASSAR (Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions) Partnership, working on communications.