semi arid regions
Prosus #2: Building capacity for climate change adaptation in semi-arid regions
The second issue of START’s ProSus magazine features research and stories from the Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR) program.
Health vulnerability to heat stress in rural communities of the semi-arid regions of Maharashtra, India.
This policy brief examines the vulnerability of communities living in semi-arid Maharashtra to be negatively affected by heat-related stress and the increasing health implications thereof.
Supporting private adaptation to climate change in semi-arid lands in developing countries
This PRISE policy brief argues that to unlock the potential of businesses to drive climate-resilient development, support for private adaptation in semi arid lands needs to be rapidly upscaled.
Spotlight on Transformative Scenario Planning
This Spotlight highlights the successes and challenges of a series of Transformative Scenario Planning workshops held by ASSAR in five countries.
Lessons from semi-arid regions on how to adapt to climate change
This article explores how farmers in semi-arid regions are adapting to climate change and details three important components for preparing for, and adapting to, changing climates.
The ASSAR Spotlight on Learning – November 2016 edition
The ASSAR project is now halfway through its duration. To mark this occasion, we share a range of ASSAR voices to reflect on our learning to date.
Communicating climate change for adaptation: Challenges, successes and future priorities
Communicating climate change to communities in semi-arid regions remains a difficult task.
How is climate change affecting Bangalore?
Drawing on information gathered during the RDS our India team explores the effects of climate change on Bangalore in this exciting video.
The ASSAR Spotlight – July 2016 Edition
The ASSAR Spotlight - July 2016 Edition
A community assessment of climate change adaptation technologies in semi-arid Tanzania
Report of a community assessment exploring the takeup, effectiveness, gender benefit, and affordability of technologies introduced in a climate change adaptation project in Tanzania.