Bogor Agricultural University (IPB – Institut Pertanian Bogor) was established in 1963 with the view to strengthen food security, bioenergy and job creation, enhance poverty alleviation, and preserve the environment. IPB’s vision is to be a world class research based university with core competence in tropical agriculture and bio-sciences, characterized with entrepreneur values.
IPB presently consists of 9 faculties and 37 departments. These 9 faculties are:
- Faculty of Agriculture
- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
- Faculty of Fishery and Marine Science
- Faculty of Animal Science
- Faculty of Forestry
- Faculty of Agriculture Technology and Engineering
- Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
- Faculty of Economics and Management
- Faculty of Human Ecology.
IPB pays much attention to strengthening international collaboration as well as national networks. Student and staff exchange programs, joint research and publication, credit earning systems, dual/double degree programs, etc. are among other activities which are strongly encouraged. IPB and the University of Göttingen have collaborated formally already since 1991.