Tropical agriculture
Enhancing economic benefits and resilience through pyrolysis based coffee drying
Pyrolysis technolgy offers significant economic beneftis to farmers and processors by providing energy that can be used for drying, and biochar, a natural fertilizer and soil enhancer.
Senegal Films – Adaptation without Borders
On this page four short films explore these issues in relation to rice production, consumption and global trade.
Djeneba’s story
Families in Senegal typically spend around 30% oftheir monthly income on food, so even small changes in the price of rice impact the monthly food intake of families in Senegal.
Agricultural choices in a Rain Scarcity Zone in a Drought Year – 2012: The Kumbharwadi Farmers’ Response
Tomato plots in Kumbharwadi Weather variations are being experienced more frequently and severely today, affecting the farming community the most....
Understanding past and future impacts of climate change in agriculture: implications for adaptation planning
This report looks at the past and future impacts of climate change in agriculture in China and the resulting implications for adaptation planning.
Farmers Piloting the System of Rice Seed Intensification (SRI) Towards Climate Change Adaptation in BacKan Province
Rice production is and will be affected by changes in the climate. Irregular rainfall, drier spells in the wet season...
Planning and costing agriculture’s adaptation in Malawi: Subsistence rain-fed food production (maize)
Summary of country findings: Malawi This study is one of 5 country studies (Bangladesh, Malawi, Nepal, Rwanda and Tanzania) exploring...
Key Findings from Mali Case Study 2, ‘The Identification and Selection of Appropriate Water Resource Management Technologies’
Gradually the effects of the various adaptation options were simulated. Adaptation options to overcome the water deficit in Massabla were...
Food Security and Climate Change
Agricultural production, including access to food, in many African countries and regions, is projected to be severely compromised by climate...
Maize-based Subsistence Farming in Malawi
Farmers in Chikwawa grow a number of crops, alongside maize, to meet their subsistence needs, which are affected by flooding...