poverty reduction
Empowerment in WASH Index Tool
Learn about EWI: a pragmatic survey-based tool made to measure, monitor and carry out diagnostics of water, sanitation, and hygiene-related interventions, allowing for inclusive and equitable outcomes.
Climandes: user-tailored climate services for the Andean region
MeteoSwiss and SENAMHI Peru join forces in the Climandes project for climate-smart agriculture to promote food security and poverty reduction.
Global exposure and vulnerability to multi-sector development and climate change hotspots
This paper aims to support understanding of the interplay between multiple climate change risks and socioeconomic development through investigating exposure to multi-sector climate impacts.
Climate Change & Environment Nexus Brief: Mini-grids
This nexus brief focuses on rural electrification through mini-grids and their importance for the nexus of sustainable development, poverty alleviation, and climate change.
Pilot Programme for Integrated Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Grenada
This project supports the island state of Grenada by enhancing the resilience of parts of the population and ecosystems that are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
Plan CC – Tackling climate change in Peru
This short film documents and celebrates Plan CC - the Climate Change Planning Project - which aims to contribute to the Peruvian national process to move toward a carbon neutral economy.
Enhancing economic benefits and resilience through pyrolysis based coffee drying
Pyrolysis technolgy offers significant economic beneftis to farmers and processors by providing energy that can be used for drying, and biochar, a natural fertilizer and soil enhancer.
Webinar: How to make poor people less vulnerable to (climate change related) natural disasters
In this webinar Stephane Hallegatte explores the link between extreme weather and extreme poverty that underscores the urgency for policies that better protect the world’s most vulnerable.
Increasing people’s resilience through social protection
This paper highlights how social protection programmes and systems can contribute to building the capacity of vulnerable people who are exposed to climate shocks and disasters.
SDC Climate, Disaster Risk Reduction & Environment (CDE)
The SDC Network Climate, DRR and Environment is hosted by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).