renewable energy
Gender Equality and Human Rights in Climate Action and Renewable Energy – UN CC:eLearn course
This self-paced e-course provides an overview of the interlinkages between gender, human rights, climate change, and renewable energy. It provides participants with the specific knowledge and tools to integrate and implement gender equality in renewable energy access and entrepreneurship, as well as related gender-responsive and human rights-based approaches in climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.
Landscape Assessment of State-Level Climate Financing Options
Learn about the financing aspects of clean energy projects in India with the help of substantial evidence and examples in this article based on a primary survey of financial institutions such as banks and non-banking financial institutions (NBFC’s).
Mountains ADAPT: Solutions from East Africa
The Mountains ADAPT: Solutions from East Africa booklet showcases adaptation solutions proven to be successful in response to specific issues caused or accelerated by climate change that negatively affect mountain communities’ livelihoods and ecosystems. The publication includes Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, the United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda.
Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries
This MOOC course, developed by UCT, gives participants the opportunity and skills to consider how societies can be lifted out of poverty while also mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.
Decarbonizing the Electricity Sector – The Energy Storage Conundrum
Nations voting for achieve carbon neutrality rely heavily on renewable energy. While efforts towards 100% renewable are needed, one should not be blind to the humongous task of energy storage.
IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C highlights challenge to achieve climate stability and end poverty
This CDKN blog describes why we must heed the IPCC's 1.5°C Special Report and prevent further climate change that will harm the most vulnerable people.
Key reports for the CC&E Network 2017-2018
These publications provide insights and learning on key topics in climate change mitigation, adaptation and sustainable development, and highlight areas for future research and policy development.
Climate Change & Environment Nexus Brief: Mini-grids
This nexus brief focuses on rural electrification through mini-grids and their importance for the nexus of sustainable development, poverty alleviation, and climate change.
Roof catchment rainwater harvesting system for off-season small-scale irrigation
This case study discusses the use of an innovative and cost-efficient roof catchment rainwater harvesting system for off-season small-scale irrigation developed by IDE Honduras and Ennos AG.
Building a Climate-Resilient City: Electricity and information and communication technology infrastructure
This policy brief looks at measures related to electricity and ICT infrastructure that cities can use to build their resilience to climate change impacts.