The Kenya Biogas Program (KBP) is the lead entity implementing the Africa Biogas Partnership Program (in Kenya). KBP envisions a commercially viable domestic biogas sector that would contribute towards food security, clean/sustainable use of energy and environmental conservation. The Kenya Biogas Program (KBP) envisions all Kenyan households accessing and utilizing green energy for their homes and green fertilizer for their farm.
We are contributing to this vision through our efforts in developing a commercially viable and sustainable domestic bio-digester sector in Kenya by 2019. KBP is a constituent of the ABPP, a Public Private Partnership between Hivos, SNV (Netherlands Development Organization) and the Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The program started rolling out bio-digester technology in Kenya in 2009, with over 16,000 bio-digesters installed across the country between 2009 and 2015. KBP aims to achieve installations of over 10,000 more bio-digesters by 2019, to scale affordable clean energy for domestic use and bio-slurry fertilizer for increased agricultural productivity.