The Vision of the Coalition is humanity sharing the resources of our planet in a Sustainable manner guided by the principles of universal justice as set in Rio and subsequent summits.
Our Mission is to contribute to sustainable development through follow up of the Johannesburg summit outcomes and subsequent global declarations in Uganda.
UCSD has the following goals:
– To initiate and support the processes of dialogue on sustainable development issues (including climate change) at national, regional and International levels.
– To undertake advocacy work in to promote sustainable development principles at national, regional and International levels
– To provide and facilitate forums for the exchange and dissemination of information.
– To establish and maintain an information center that will facilitate Civil Society Organizations and Non Governmental Organizations capacities to influence and enhance sustainable development.
– To support the generation of information and research topics relevant to enhance sustainable development at national level and beyond.
– To support other initiatives that aim at promoting sustainable development at local levels and beyond, through Coalition members’ efforts.