Measuring and Enhancing Effective Adaptation – IFAD Climate Resilient Post-harvest and Agribusiness Project

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The 9th International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation (CBA9) took place in Nairobi, Kenya, from April 24-30 2015. The CBA series of conferences focus on the latest developments in community-based adaptation to climate change. The theme of this year’s event was “Measuring and enhancing effective adaptation”, and all the posters presented at the conference were summaries of projects related to the conference theme. This poster is one of the posters featured at the conference. For more information about CBA9, visit: If you want to learn more about community based adaptation, please visit the GICBA platform on weADAPT.
Project Name:
IFAD-Climate Resilient Post-harvest and Agribusiness Project PASP (2014-2019)
The Climate Resilient and Post-harvest and Agribusiness Support Project (PASP) aims to address the current losses for key commodities in Rwanda (maize, beans, cassava, Irish potatoes & dairy) which are equivalent to 30% of harvest products. These losses are likely to increase as the country relies on rain fed agriculture and it’s highly vulnerable to climate change. Therefore, the project is blended with an Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP) grant for supporting climate resilient, low carbon harvest and post-harvest best-practices and technologies.
With current post-harvest facilities, poor farmers are unable to store agricultural produce for long periods without incurring physical losses, therefore many are forced to sell their products at harvest and accept lower product prices. The PASP project enhances communities‘ awareness and understanding of climate change and facilitates adaptation investments that contribute to responsive plans that enable Rwandan farmers to buffer against climatic and economic variability.
PASP will also contribute to a better understanding of how current and future agro-meteorological conditions influence harvest and post-harvest activities, so as to take appropriate and timely action.
The goal of the project is to reinforce community resilience (cooperatives and individual farmers) by reducing climate risks through capacity building and better access to climate information services, climate resilient technologies and facilities.
This poster was produced by Marie Clarisse Chanoine, IFAD.