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Improving adaptive capacity to climate variability and change for sustainable food and livelihood security in drought prone and coastal regions of Bangladesh

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Project overview

The Livelihoods Adaptation to Climate Change Phase II (LACC II) project aims to introduce, improve or further strengthen disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation capacities for sustainable livelihoods and food security in the rural sectors including crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry and other key factors of rural livelihoods in drought prone and coastal regions of Bangladesh. Building on and using the human resources and capacities of several technical departments, the project, led by the Department of Agricultural Extension, will (i) further strengthen institutional and technical capacities for improved adaptation to climate variability and change at all relevant levels, addressing climate information needs, knowledge gaps, key skills and competencies, and technology needs, and (ii) implement in a participatory way and jointly with local communities good practices and strategies to effectively address climate variability and change, and related natural disasters.


Under the overarching objective ofCDMP to strengthen the capacity of the Bangladesh disaster management system, in particular related to Component 4b which seeks “to establish an integrated approach to manage climate risks at the national and local levels”, the immediate project objectives are to:

  1. Introduce, improve and further strengthen institutional and technical capacities for improved adaptation to climate variability and change; addressing technology needs for adaptation, awareness raising and climate information needs.
  2. Implement in a participatory way and jointly with local communities good practices and strategies to effectively address climate change adaptation and disaster preparedness and develop strategies for their long term sustainability.
  3. Provide recommendations for up-scaling and mainstreaming of successfully pilot tested livelihood adaptation options into development planning and policy decision making.


Phase 1: 2005-2007 (LACC I), Phase 2: 2008 -2009 (LACC II)


2008-2009, Districts: Chapai Nawabganj, Naogaon, Natore, Khulna, Pirojpur

Project management

  • Executed by Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) under the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA),
  • Subcomponent of Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme (CDMP Phase I)of the Ministry of Food and Disaster Management of Bangladesh (MoFDM) funded by UNDP, DFID and EC
  • Technical guidance by FAO

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