Binaya Pasakhala
Promoting household level adaptation practices to deal with flood and water logging in the south central coastal region of Bangladesh
© Practical Action Adaptation context Much of Bangladesh, situated in the Ganges Delta, lies below 10m above sea level. As...
Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change through Coastal Afforestation in Bangladesh (CBACC-CF)
Adaptation context The National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) and the Initial National Communication (INC) established that a weak economy...
Improving adaptive capacity to climate variability and change for sustainable food and livelihood security in drought prone and coastal regions of Bangladesh
Small Ponds Bring Bumper Harvests from IPS News - IPSTV on Vimeo. Project overview The Livelihoods Adaptation to Climate Change...
Improved Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change for Sustainable Livelihoods in Agriculture Sector
This project was designed to improve the adaptive capacities of rural populations and their resilience to drought and other climate change impacts.
Adapting to Climate Change: Strengthening the Climate Resilience of Water Sector Infrastructure in Khulna, Bangladesh
This publication provides a specific example of assessing the impacts of climate change on the water sector infrastructure in Khulna, Bangladesh, by developing the climate change and socioeconomic development scenarios for 2030 and 2050, and running mathematical models to obtain the level of salinity in river water—where the proposed intake for water supply is located—and the extent of waterlogging in the city. The study then identifies and makes a financial evaluation on adaptation options to cope with the impacts. The proposed investments would be made more climate-resilient by incorporating adaptation options into the project design.