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Reduction of risks and vulnerability from floods and droughts in the Estero Real watershed

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Status: Approved

Project approved for funding by the Adaptation Fund Board, June 2010

Project description

Nicaragua suffers from both floods and droughts, and increasing temperatures combined with greater variability of rainfall and a likely increase in precipitation extremes is expected to exacerbate the current situation.

The objective of the Project is to reduce the risks from floods and drought generated by climate change and variability in the Estero Real watershed. A coordinated set of key results that encompasses capacity building, long-term planning, development of public policies, and targeted investments will be relied upon to reach the objective. The project will have four components:

1. Investments in infrastructure for storing rainwater in the mid and upper watershed of the Aquespalapa/Grande River. This is expected to meet water demand needs for small scale domestic and productive uses, and a micro-watershed management approach will be relied upon to achieve this key result.

2. Adaptive capacity of communities in the mid and upper watershed of the Aquespalapa/Grande River will be strengthened through pilot activities that promote climate resilient land and water management practices.

3. An enabling environment will be advanced to integrate climate change risks into policy and planning processes in the Estero Real basin, underpinned by increased institutional and community capacities; this will be a pilot for incorporating climate change considerations into the recently approved National Water Law.

4. Lessons learned and best practices from pilot activities, capacity development initiatives and policy changes will be disseminated; regional environmental information systems will be strengthened to include climate change variables.

Project details

Implementing Agency: UNDP

Executing Agency: Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources

Value: $5,500,000

Duration: 2011-2015

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