Unlocking NGO potential for effective weather, water and climate services
This report explores how NGOs can strengthen weather, water, and climate services (WWCS) to enhance disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation, offering practical recommendations, case studies, and tools to bridge gaps between scientific data and vulnerable communities for resilient development.
Gendered Experiences of Adaptation to Drought: Patterns of Change in El Sauce, Nicaragua
A gendered culture in Nicaragua has led to a differentiated capacity to respond to drought, men being able to adapt and women experiencing a downward spiral in capacity and increasing vulnerability.
Integrated Water Management in Nicaragua: Rethinking Best Practice
This article summarizes the conclusions of a meeting on integrated watershed management in Nicaragua, with a particular focus on climate change, insurance schemes and best practice.
Fauna & Flora International Climate Adaptation Planning Project
Fauna & Flora International’s Climate Adaptation Planning Project is conducting climate adaptation planning processes at six biodiversity project sites within agricultural landscapes.
Using traditional knowledge for adaptation, disaster risk reduction and natural resource management in Nicaragua
Partners for Resilience is a global consortium project which seeks to integrate climate change adaptation (CCA) practice with both disaster risk reduction (DRR) and the sustainable management of ecosystems through natural resource management (NRM) approaches.
Estrategias de Adaptación al Cambio Climático en Municipios de Nicaragua del Golfo de Fonseca
The Gulf of Fonseca is an important set of terrestrial and coastal marine ecosystems shared by three countries: El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. The Gulf is in the process of being declared a Biosphere Reserve by environmental and natural value.
Enfoques innovadores en la simulación del cambio climático y su impacto en la seguridad alimentaria- La experiencia de Nicaragua
Summary There is unanimous consensus in the scientific community about the evidence of climate change. The observations of the last...
Enfoques innovadores en la simulación del cambio climático y su impacto en la seguridad alimentaria: La experiencia de Nicaragua
CC y SAN Nicaragua Introducion La Universidad Centroamericana (UCA), el Instituto de Estudios del Hambre (IEH) y la Fundación para...
Reduction of risks and vulnerability from floods and droughts in the Estero Real watershed
Photo from Status: Approved Project approved for funding by the Adaptation Fund Board, June 2010 Project description Nicaragua suffers...