Community-based adaptation to climate change in Mazabuka District of Zambia
People in the Mazabuka District have experienced drought and flood episodes in recent years. They are solely dependent on mixed crop-livestock agriculture, which is entirely rain-fed. Climate variability and change pose major barriers to poverty reduction and food security. The low adaptive capacity of the community to climate variability and change was exemplified by the chronic existence of the hunger season on a yearly basis. Conducted a climate variability and change hotspot analysis and vulnerability assessment; participatory approach taken to identifying locally suitable risk reduction measures and climate adaptation options; developed a portfolio of project idea notes describing potential climate adaptation projects in Mazabuka; training provided on food security issues and consequences of poor nutrition for adult and child development; convened a national stakeholders workshop to share findings.
George Kasali, [email protected] Energy and Environmental Concerns for Zambia (EECZ) and Africa 2000 Network Association – Zambia (A2NA-Z)