Lake Chilwa Basin Climate Change Adaptation Programme
Risk to livelihoods through vulnerability to drought and floods is exacerbated by climate change. Lake Chilwa has dried up 8 times in past century affecting livelihoods such as fishing and farming.
Adaptation challenges and solutions
Changing mindset of communities to accept new technologies is a challenge that has been addressed through capacity building and training.
Key messages and learning outcomes
The project has taken an ecosystems approach which has worked very well. The project also would advise others to integrate concerns from communities into such projects. For example Biharzia is a major concern that arose from the communities and therefore this project undertook Biharzia prevalence studies and treatment as it had an impact in helping build resilience to then adapt effectively to climate change.
For further information contact:
Welton Phalira Project Manager LCBCCAP Phone: +265 0 1524251 Fax: +265 0 15242 251 E-mail: [email protected]
Leadership for Environment and Development Southern and Eastern Africa , WorldFish Center, Forestry Research Institute of Malawi.