Promoting Integration of Adaptation Strategies into Developmental Policies at District Level in India

This project aimed to develop and validate risk communication products to improve the understanding of all concerned stakeholders on scientific, social and policy issues governing the climate adaptation processes at district level in the Bundelkhand region in India. Stakeholders are planning agencies, rural communities, and local research institutions.
The project covered 3 main components: 1) vulnerability assessment of the agricultural and water sectors to current stresses and potential climate change in the region; 2) development, test and validation of risk communication materials through a multidisciplinary stakeholder engagement process; and 3) development of adaptation strategies through consultative methods.
During preliminary assessments, it was identified that folk music and plays have been practiced in Bundelkhand for centuries. It was decided by the project team that this could be an excellent way to communicate climate risks at community level.
Project Achievements
The project managed to bring the issue of climate change to the forefront of the District. The project also succeeded in generating new information i.e. existing and potential future climatic changes for the Bundelkhand region specifically. Adaptation options were discussed for three vulnerable population groups: farmers, women and rural artisans, to provide them with solutions, necessary capacity building and innovative financing methods for reducing vulnerability.