awareness of climate change
Project Management for a Changing Climate
This online course is designed to prepare professionals with project management responsibilities to add a climate change lens to their projects. Watch the videos for a taster!
Suriname’s Community-Based Communication Initiatives
This case study highlights the results of the UN Development Programme’s Japan-Caribbean Climate Change Partnership (UNDP J-CCCP) initiative in Suriname.
Insights and Takeaways from the “Let’s A.C.T. Saint Lucia” Communication Campaign
This case study highlights the key points, takeaways and insights of the national multi-tiered climate change awareness campaign "Let’s A.C.T. Saint Lucia" undertaken in 2018.
Climate services for agriculture in Rwanda: What farmers know about climate information services in Rwanda
This Info Note shares insights into the status and needs for climate information services for agriculture in Rwanda.
Impacts of climate change on food security and livelihoods in Karamoja
This study provides information on the existing threats to food security and livelihoods among households in Karamoja, and how climate change will exacerbate the situation