climate change resilience
Resilience: The Global Adaptation Podcast
Resilience is a podcast from UNEP's GAN that brings you inspiring stories from people all over the world who are adapting to climate change in practical, creative, and innovative ways. Listen to the podcasts here!
The Global Water and Climate Adaptation Centre
Learn about the Global Water and Climate Adaptation Centre (Aachen, Bangkok, Chennai, Dresden - ABCD Centre) which aims to address the pressing issue of humanity’s adaptation to the consequences of climate change, with a special focus on water, and facilitate a global dialogue between leading scientific institutions.
Climate Resilience Planning in Mountainous Regions in Nepal
This policy brief assesses the challenges and opportunities in undertaking local climate mitigation and adaptation actions in Nepal municipalities and makes recommendations for developing and mainstreaming resilience plans.
Hong Kong’s July heatwaves highlight the city’s lack of holistic climate governance
The global heatwaves in July greatly affected Hong Kong. This is not a new issue the government has focused on it being a problem of heatstroke among workers, without directly addressing the root cause of climate change at a higher level.
The Importance of Including Persons with Disabilities in Tackling Climate Change
This briefing report explores the daily difficulties people with disabilities face in extreme weather, what policies and measures can support them, and how to engage them in climate change mitigation and adaptation in their daily lives.
A Guidance on How to Interpret Climate Information for the Assessment of Climate Risks: Example of the Cai Lon – Cai Be Climate Risk Assessment (Vietnam)
The main challenge of integrating climate information into risk assessments are opposing approaches for assessing climate risks and adaptation options and its implications for the design of climate information products. This guide breaks down the process using Cai Lon – Cai Be climate risk assessment as an example.
Adaptation Gap Report 2020
The fifth edition of the UNEP Adaptation Gap Report looks at progress in planning for, financing, and implementing adaptation – with a focus on nature-based solutions. Includes videos!
Why context matters in ecosystem resilience: Five insights from India and Guatemala
What insights can we learn from Guatemala and India on community-led adaptation to create resilient ecosystems? Learn more in this article summarizing a policy paper by the Climate-SDG Integration project.
Mountain forests management and its relationship with Andean population well-being: The experience of the Andean Forests Program
The article analyzes how the actions promoted by the Andean Forests Programcontributed to the well-being and resilience of the population in its intervention sites.
The strategic importance of building flood resilience in the Greater Dakar Region
Floods deepen the vulnerability of communities that are already exposed to climate hazards in the Greater Dakar region in Senegal. Read the report to find out more.