crop productivity
“El Niño” is knocking on our door: How can climate information help vulnerable populations make better decisions to protect themselves from its impacts?
Learn about the Agroclimatic Management Platform model which seeks to strengthen agroclimatic governance to improve agricultural productivity in the Andes. It highlights the importance of family farmers being able to access information and practices that help them adapt their activities to climatic events.
Knowledge transfer for more resilient maize farming in Lao PDR
This article details a visit from the Thailand Department of Agriculture (DOA) to Laos in May 2016 to advise maize farmers and local experts on improved and more climate resilient farming practices.
Improved water delivery in the delta region of Syrdarya River, Kazakhstan
Over the last 25 years the region of Syrdarya river has dried out, impoverishing local communities. Improvements to water infrastructure have helped transform the lifes of local people.
Improving wheat productivity in Kazakhstan through the identification of best sowing intervals
Soil moisture and temperature are critical to seed survival. This method, developed by a joint USAID-UNDP project, determines the best intervals for sowing wheat using meteorological data.
Triple Green II
This project will develop integrated experimental and modelling framework approaches that allow the investigation of the local to global scale opportunities and challenges for sustainable food production.