drip irrigation
Greenhouses in the Taita Hills forests – The ‘People Partner with Nature’ Program in Kenya
This solution is one of 18 climate change adaptation solutions shared in Mountains ADAPT: Solutions from East Africa, which showcases adaptation solutions proven to be successful in response to specific issues caused or accelerated by climate change. These solutions were selected for their inclusive approaches, their potential to be transferred and upscaled, as well as their extended benefits for downstream communities across the East Africa Community.
This solution is described in the booklet on page 52: "Greenhouses for green fields".
AmĂ©lioration des modes de gestion de lâeau dans le pĂ©rimĂštre rizicole de la plaine de Douna dans la RĂ©gion des Cascades au Burkina Faso
Gaspillage de l'eau, baisse de la pluie, mauvaise gestion de la production, rechercher mode de gestion participatif eau et bassin-versant /meilleure résilience des exploitants/communauté.
Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystem Services and Food Security in Eastern Africa (CHIESA)
The Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystem Services and Food Security program focused on increasing knowledge on climate change impacts and adaptation strategies in 3 highland ecosystems in East Africa
Kazakhstan’s local farmers adapt to climate aridity in the Akmola Oblast
Akmola Oblast is the nationâs agricultural center, but its fragile steppe ecosystem is subject to harsh weather conditions exacerbated by climate change and threatening local economy.
Five Namibian communities holistically adapt to climate change
Namibia is plagued with a dry climate and poor soils and the countryâs small-scale farmers produce the lowest agricultural yields in the world. Climate change exacerbates these realities.