green growth
Degrowth, green growth, and climate justice for Africa
The article explores how degrowth, green growth, and climate justice intersect in Africa, arguing that rethinking economic models is key to balancing sustainability and social equity across the continent.
Four ways to step up environmental ambitions during Sweden’s EU presidency
Explore four specific propositions for the incoming Swedish government to consider as it develops Sweden’s priorities for the presidency in this opinion piece. These cover the energy crisis, green trade, transboundary climate impacts, and consumption-based emissions.
Indian Case Study: ‘Integrating Natural Capital into Government Post-COVID Economic Decision-Making and Economic Recovery’
This article provides an overview of the opportunities for integrating natural capital into COVID-19 recovery plans in India.
Using a sector development agency to mobilize a local green economy: The case of GreenCape in South Africa
Read how GreenCape, through its work across government, business and academia, has generated significant private sector investment and employment in green business, technologies and manufacturing.
LEDS in Practice: Gain the competitive edge to realize the benefits of low emission development
This publication looks at how low emission industrial development and resource efficiency offer excellent opportunities for increasing competitiveness of economies and companies.
Green Growth in Practice Lessons from Country Experiences
This report is the first comprehensive international assessment of lessons from experiences of pursuing green growth across all levels of government and all regions.
The Climate Resilient Green Growth (CRGG) Planning Framework
The CRGG Framework provides a systematic, but flexible approach to combining adaptation and economic development planning to produce climate resilient green growth plans that address multiple goals.
The Way Forward in International Climate Policy: Key Issues and New Ideas 2014
Summary As the United Nations Secretary General convenes a climate change summit in September 2014, and the world prepares for...