Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
Cool Roofing and Passive Ventilation in Indore, India
Project Logo Project overview Indore used to be known for cool evenings, referred to as “Shab-e-Malwa”, even in hottest summers....
Cool Roofing and Passive Ventilation in Surat, India
Project logo Project overview Surat in the last few years has experienced increases in temperature, especially during summer months. Expansion...
Economics of Climate Resilience: Power
Executive summary Climate change to the 2050s and beyond poses a number of threats and challenges for the energy sector....
Economics of Climate Resilience: Housing
Executive summary A changing climate is projected to bring a gradual increase in mean summer temperature in the UK. In...
Seizing the sunshine – Barbados’ thriving solar water heater industry
This ‘Inside story on climate compatible development’ explores the factors that encouraged Barbados’ homes and businesses to establish and expand their use of solar water heating – and the lessons for other small, fossil fuel-dependent countries.
Evaluating the relative strength of product-specific factors in fuel switching and stove choice decisions in Ethiopia: A discrete choice model of household preferences for clean cooking alternatives
Evaluating the relative strength of product-specific factors in fuel switching and stove choice decisions in Ethiopia: A discrete choice model of household preferences for clean cooking alternatives
Putting the cook before the stove: A User-Centred Approach to Understanding Household Energy Decision-Making – A case study of Haryana State, northern India
This study seeks to better understand the most important influences over household energy choices, in order to identify practical ways to support communities shifting to cleaner energy use.