State of the Cryosphere Report 2022
Discover the latest science on the Earth’s snow and ice regions in this report, reviewed and supported by over 60 leading cryosphere scientists. Learn about how a combination of melting polar ice sheets, vanishing glaciers, and thawing permafrost will have rapid, irreversible, and disastrous effects on the Earth’s population.
Assessment of Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountain Regions: Technical Guidance Document
This technical guidance document provides a structured and comprehensive approach to hazard assessment underpinned by latest scientific understanding. It has been produced as a resource for international and national agencies, responsible authorities and private companies.
IPCC Special Report on Ocean and Cryosphere – High Mountain Areas
This IPCC chapter assesses new evidence on recent and projected changes in the mountain cryosphere as well as associated impacts, risks and adaptation measures related to natural and human systems.
The Climate-Cryosphere-Water Nexus in Central Asia
This nexus brief explores the interactions between changes in the cryosphere due to climate change and the consequences for water resources and hazard management in Central Asia.
Glaciology Curriculum
The Glaciology Curriculum provides access to 19 modules covering various aspects of glaciology, including the impacts of changing climate on glacier behavior and glacier hazards.
A Monitoring Program to respond to Permafrost Thawing due to Climate Change
Summary Climate change is expected to reshape Canadian permafrost in many ways, which might impact northern infrastructure. A permafrost research...