socio-ecological resilience
Engaging with the politics of climate resilience towards clean water and sanitation for all
In this journal article, world-leading water specialists from academic and practitioner communities propose a roadmap to meaningfully engage with the complex politics of climate resilient water security.
First Latin-American edition of IPROMO: Sustainable Management of Socio-Ecosystems in the Andes
This article describes the first course of the IPROMO Mountains Training Programme held in Spanish. The course was organised by CONDESAN with the support of two initiatives financed by the Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development (SDC).
Adaptation action and research in glaciated mountain systems: Are they enough to meet the challenge of climate change?
This paper evaluates adaptation action and research in light of the challenge posed by climate change in glaciated mountain systems.
ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC)
This article summarises the ASFCC programme that has developed and integrated social forestry approaches into the climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies of ASEAN and the member states.
Survival of fishing Sámi coastal settlements in Finnmark, Norway
In Finnmark, in the North of Norway, areas around the Porsanger and Varanger fjords have experienced a series of substantial social-ecological changes that have challenged Sámi peoples' livelihoods.
Arctic Resilience Assessment – ARA
The Arctic Resilience Assessment is a science-based assessment that aims to better understand the integrated impacts of change in the Arctic’s tightly coupled social-ecological systems.
Skolt Sámi salmon fishing in the Näätämö River
The case study describes social and ecological pressures on Skolt Sámi traditional livelihoods, as well as factors that strengthen and undermine their resilience. Governance plays an important role.
Reindeer herding in the Yamal Peninsula
This study describes sources of adaptive capacity and socio-ecological resilience for Nenet communities in the Yamal Peninsula and how climate change and industrial development affect these.
The role of community-based coastal conservation and development initiatives in building social-ecological resilience to climate change: experiences from southern Madagascar
Abstract Climate change impacts fall disproportionately on the world’s poorest, most marginalised communities, particularly those highly dependent on direct use...