Subsistence agriculture
Understanding Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies of Andean People – Bolivia
The main intention of the International Network on Climate Change (INCA) is to understand the situation of local farming and forestry systems in the tropical Andes, and to derive and test livelihood strategies for small-scale farms and indigenous communities together with local actors, scientists, experts, and students.
Understanding Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies of Andean People – Peru
The main intention of the International Network on Climate Change (INCA) is to understand the situation of local farming and forestry systems in the tropical Andes, and to derive and test livelihood strategies for small-scale farms and indigenous communities together with local actors, scientists, experts, and students.
Maize-based Subsistence Farming in Malawi
Farmers in Chikwawa grow a number of crops, alongside maize, to meet their subsistence needs, which are affected by flooding...