Call for Reviewers: Policy Document on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management (for COP-24) UNFCCC / MOEFCC
An initiative of Government of India Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change and the National Institute of Disaster Management, to develop a policy document on Climate Change and Disasters with more than 50 authors (including some from outside the country) contributing 30 chapters. The document would be released by Indian PM and others at COP24 at Poland. The manuscripts are expected to be ready by September 2018 for a round of review. I am looking to develop a panel of reviewers who like to volunteer for this purpose across the globe. We would be happy to acknowledge support and cooperation of the reviewers in the publication. We would expect the review comments/suggestions in 10-15 days of communication of the manuscript to the reveiwers.
Interest professionals to volunteer are welcome to please share their affiliation and contact details on email: [email protected] to me (Dr Anil Gupta, Subject Editor).
We aim to post all comments and forum posts, but will not post anything that we consider unrelated to the topic under discussion. Your comment will be reviewed before publishing.