CBA12: Local experience driving climate action
Join IIED and colleagues at CBA12: Local experience driving climate action
CBA12 will take place in Lilongwe, Malawi from 11-14 June 2018, and will focus on getting local experience on climate action heard.
Locally-driven action that addresses climate challenges is ever more crucial. The well-established CBA ‘community of practice’ works on sharing innovation, getting climate finance behind what works and preparing robust narratives to take ‘lived experience’ from evidence to influence. The overarching aim is to achieve inclusive, meaningful community engagement in decision making, in ways that enable opportunities for gender-transformative outcomes.
On days one and two practitioners will focus on three workstreams: transforming ‘lived experience’ into influence, decentralised climate finance mechanisms, and adaptation technologies. On day three investors and policy-makers will join the dialogue to discuss climate investments. On day four the UNFCC and LDC Expert Group will convene the Regional National Adaptation Plans (NAP) Expo as part of CBA12.
The CBA12 event is being organised by IIED in partnership with the Climate Justice Resilience Fund, GIZ, the Global Resilience Partnership, the International Development Research Centre, Irish Aid and Practical Action.
For full and up-to-date information on the programme, please visit our website:
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