CBA16 2022 is Coming!
The 16th International Conference on Community-based Adaptation to Climate Change (CBA16) is coming! Join us online from 3-4 October 2022 for the global conference that puts the experiences and knowledge of local communities and adaptation practitioners at its centre.
Tickets are now available. Register now!
This year, CBA’s focus is on the principles for locally led adaptation (LLA). It’s a space for the adaptation community — especially supporters of LLA — to come together to share how to put the LLA principles into practice, recognising the complexities, innovations and challenges that must be overcome. CBA16 will centre around the most current examples of putting LLA into practice, grounding discussions for supporters of LLA in the realities at the forefront of locally-led climate action.
Here’s what participants at last year’s CBA15 conference thought: 96% said that attending CBA15 gave them a better understanding of the importance of marginalised people’s perspectives and voices in shaping climate change responses 93% agreed that the CBA conference improved their knowledge of what is effective to ensure that climate change responses work for marginalised people 87% thought that the CBA conference is a place where new ideas are presented and discussed CBA is funded and organised by the Climate Justice Resilience Fund, Irish Aid, the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the Global Resilience Partnership, CARE, Practical Action and the Green Africa Youth Organisation
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