Climateurope2 Webstival: Science and society dialogues on climate services and innovation
Held online between 22-24 March 2023, the first Climateurope2 webstivalwill feature invited talks on EU adaptation strategy, climate risk assessment, mission adaptation, and other Horizon Europe missions.
Open to climate services’ users, producers, and other stakeholders, the webstival will bring together the climate services community. It will combine different forms of engagement including high-level panels, thematic dialogues, showcases of applied services, as well as other innovative and fun formats to raise awareness, foster dialogue, and promote the wider uptake of climate services.
Register to attend the webstival by following thislink, and for further information go to the Climateurope2 website and explore the detailed agenda.
The webstival will also host a Poster session, held as a break out session, where projects and initiatives related to Climate Services will be allowed a 1-slide and a 2-5 minutes pitch to be presented.Submit your poster here.
What is Climateurope2? Climateurope2 is a Horizon Europe’s Coordination and Supporting Action (CSA) dedicated to promoting high-quality and equitable climate services in Europe and beyond, and developing community protocols, standard-setting criteria, processes and taxonomies. It builds upon and continues in community-building activities of the predecessor Climateurope project.

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