How can we achieve better coherence between CCA and DRR?
Please share examples and reflections of DRR and CCA information knowledge management initiatives which illustrate good practices and/or barriers and how they have been overcome so that others can learn from them.
As mentioned in the CKB Manifesto and the IKM framework, for information to be useful it needs to be actionable, which means that information needs to be presented in a way that relates to the user’s own circumstances. In this regard, climate knowledge brokers act as filters, interfaces, and translators across different disciplines, fields and sectors.
From this perspective, it would be interesting to know what people think of the above principles – if you disagree, or have any additions…?
Also, if you know of any examples where you have applied these principles or have conducted some work based on user needs or as translators of climate information/knowledge brokers…?
Through the PLACARD (PLAtform for Climate Adaptation and Risk reDuction) EC Horizon 2020 project we will take the ideas and recommendations generated by this dialogue forward.
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Many thanks in advance for your thoughts :)
Best wishes,
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