Join the debate – new online dialogue on foresight activities in CCA/DRR
Dear weADAPT community,
One of the objectives of PLACARD, an EC Horizon 2020 project, is to facilitate communication and knowledge exchange between the climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) communities. As such, we are running a number of dialogues on different subjects relevant to both CCA and DRR – if you belong to these communities of practice we would like to hear from you!
This round of dialogue will focus on the application of Foresight activities, methods and tools in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction research and practice to explore their value and application as well as to explore examples of good practice. The questions for discussion are given below.
It will last until the 28th September, so please bear in mind the short period as we would highly appreciate as many contributions as possible.
You can register and join the dialogue through the PreventionWeb portal or you can join the conversation through the TDDR discussion forum on weADAPT.
Questions for the online dialogue:
What topics do you consider important to include in foresight activities related to disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) for their harmonisation/integration?
How can outcomes from foresight activities, methods and tools support the identification of future research and implementation priorities in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA)?
Can you share examples of good practices where foresight has been applied to the development of (novel) joint DRR and CCA methods and tools?
The Paris Agreement at COP21 on climate change and Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction were both major steps towards increasing resilience to climate-related extreme events. Long-term risk and response analyses in support of these agreements and the IPCC assessments tend to be dominated by the development and formal analysis of Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) and Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). While such analyses are an important mechanism to advance analytical knowledge about future risks, they constrain creative analysis and there is a complementary role for more qualitative foresight developed by diverse experts and stakeholders to explore future risks and opportunities.
Foresight is a forward-looking approach that aims to help decision-makers explore and anticipate in a participatory way what might happen, as well as prepare for a range of possible future scenarios, influence them and shape the future. Instead of predicting the future, foresight typically involves systematic, participatory, future-intelligence-gathering and medium-to-long-term vision-building processes to uncover a range of possible alternative future visions. Key foresight methods include horizon scanning and scenario building. (Definition by NRC FLIS Interest Group, see
Many thanks in advance,
Best wishes,
Research Fellow, SEI Oxford team
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