Save the Date: The 6th Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation
When: April 17-19, 2023
Where: Grand Hotel, Reykjavík, Iceland
Registration: Opening in November
Registration will open in November for the 6th Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation (NOCCA23). The focus this year is on adaptation in cities and municipalities in the Nordic countries, how municipalities have implemented actions, good practices and key learnings in the adaptation process.
The objectives for NOCCA23 are:
- To increase knowledge on climate change adaptation in the Nordic countries in the fields of science, local communities, and governments.
- To strengthen the conversation between the Nordic countries and create valuable conference output from the workshops
The conference will last two days. The first day, which will also be streamed, will consist of plenary sessions with invited lectures. Day two will include on-site workshops all focused on adaptation in cities and municipalities in the Nordics. The workshops focus on the following themes: Rising sea level and adaptation, Transboundary impacts, Nature based solutions, Master planning with adaptation integration for cities and municipalities. The third and final day will be filled with optional sightseeing activities.
The output from the workshops will be synthesized in a policy paper that is aimed to contribute to policy recommendations at future UNFCCC COPs and hopes to inform Nordic engagement and submissions to the Adaptation Committee´s work on the Global Goal on Adaptation as well as the Glasgow-Sharm el Sheik work program on the matter.
Who should attend:
The conference welcomes all who work on climate change adaptation, within the fields of science, in local communities, governments and municipal administration, in ministries and national authorities, politics, businesses, industry and NGOs
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