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Survey: Climate Resilience & Adaptive Capacity Indicators in EbA

Have you been working in Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) or Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for at least one year and would like to give feedback on climate-resilience and adaptive capacity indicators?

My name is Karen Pilgrim; I am a MSc. Disaster Risk Management & Climate Change Adaptation student at Lund Universiy. As part of my master’s thesis, I am developing a method that aides the appraisal of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) outcomes’ contribution to climate resilience and adaptive capacity. A better understanding of EbA outcomes and how they contribute to climate resilience and adaptive capacity is expected to support learning in EbA practice, specifically about the following questions:

a) How has an EbA effort progressed over time? Which benefits are expected? b) Which process (change pathway) has led to an outcome? c) Which EbA outcomes have been accomplished and how are they continuing to develop over time? d) Which undesired changes have occurred? e) What are barriers to the full or further development of EbA outcomes?

To answer these questions, indicators for climate resilience and adaptive capacity that are relevant in an EbA effort are needed. This survey‘s purpose is to receive feedback on the so far developed climate resilience and adaptive capacity indicators, namely the assumptions they are based on, their fit for EbA contexts and more generally, how well they are described.

Why should you participate?

Your input, based on your experience in EbA/NbS in practice or academia will contribute to the improvement of the method– which you may want to use once it is publicly available (soon, in June 2019). There are a number of adaptation research needs that the method aims to address, like supporting a better understanding of adaptation effectiveness and success and their appraisal, and learning about progress, impacts and outcomes of adaptation efforts (Klein et al., 2017). With your participation, you can support the this.

More details can be found in the survey introduction, including contact details. If you can’t access the embedded link, copy and paste this one:

The survey takes about 30min and closes 17 March 2019.

Thank you for taking the time to participate! Spread the word if you can– the more responses the better!



Klein, R. J. T., Adams, K. M., Dzebo, A., Davis, M., & Siebert, C. K. (2017). Advancing climate adaptation practices and solutions: Emerging research priorities. SEI Working Paper 2017-07, (May), 28. Retrieved from

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