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Survey on practical examples of Urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA)

Dear colleagues,

The Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEBA) Urban EbA Working Group has launched a survey to identify and compile practical examples of urban EbA planning and implementation. The information gathered through the survey and follow-up interviews will provide the basis for a FEBA technical publication on EbA in urban ecosystems.

The Urban EbA working group brings together researchers and practitioners from the fields of urban development, EbA and Green-Grey Infrastructure to share successes and failures to help learn and improve future urban EbA initiatives. Your participation in this survey contributes to the knowledge base of the growing area – in theory and practice – of Urban EbA.

This survey should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete and can be filled online here.

Read more about the background for the Urban EbA Working Group and the launch of the survey at PlanAdapt’s website:

For further information about the survey or working group itself, please contact Jesse DeMaria-Kinney.

For further information about the FEBA network please contact Emily Goodwin.

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