Webinar: Entry points for mainstreaming Ecosystem-based Adaptation – The case of the Philippines
The Global ProjectMainstreaming EbA is delighted to invite you to the free and public webinar:
Entry points for mainstreaming Ecosystem-based Adaptation: The case of the Philippines
This webinar sits within a series of webinars of the International EbA Community of Practice. Time:Friday, 31 August 2018, 10:00 – 11:00 AMCET Themes addressed:- Introducing the concept of policy entry points for mainstreaming EbA, Thora Amend (freelance consultant)
- The case of the Philippines, Emma Ruth Ramos (freelance consultant)
- The webinar is moderated by Andrea Bender (GIZ, Global Project Mainstreaming EbA)
- Trouble Joining? Try Skype Web App
- Join by phone: +496196794018
- or Find a local number
- Conference ID: 40537894
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- The name you enter will be displayed during the webinar and in the chat box.
- The webinar session will be recorded and published on AdaptationCommunity.net
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