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Webinar: Migration, Displacement and Human Rights In West Asia and Asia Pacific Regions

Migration, Displacement and Human Rights In West Asia and Asia Pacific Regions: the climate crisis and its impact on women’s Livelihoods

Women in Migration Network (WIMN) is pleased to invite you to our coming webinar on January 19th from7am – 9am UTC (Porto). Find your time here.

We are holding this event to build knowledge on the connection between migration and climate change using a feminist perspective, and to create a collective advocacy platform from the bottom up.

The event is focusing in the West Asia and Asia Pacific regions and will explore how climate change and extreme weather events impact women’s livelihoods and how they link to migration and displacement. It will be a space for women leaders to share their knowledge and experiences in organizing and responding to these impacts, including displacement and migration.

The event will also be an opportunity for media and advocacy allies to understand key demands of self-organized communities and support their actions to tackle the impacts of the climate crisis on their lives.

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