Climate Adaptation Training

UN CC:Learn at COP27 of the UNFCCC
The annual Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 27) will take place from 06 November 2022 to 18...
Webinars on the UNFCCC structure, how the negotiations work and how to effectively engage at COPs
[On behalf of UC3, Second Nature and RINGO] This 3-part webinar series has been developed by the University Climate Change...
East Africa Climate Change Network Training Of Trainers
Salutation to all. We are delighted to inform fellow Environmentalist that we are organizing a Training of Trainer on environment...
Learning in consortia – Navigating the challenges
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 1:00:00 PM GMT - 2:00:00 PM GMT Working in the complex context of climate change and...
Workshop on facilitation techniques – Paris, 23rd August 2018
Are you interested in enhancing your ability to facilitate engaging and inspiring group interactions (e.g. with stakeholders and project teams)?...
Training course – Participate! How to facilitate effective meetings on disaster risk reduction & climate change adaptation
Participate! is an interactive online training module to support the design of effective science, policy and practice events. Participate! focuses...
Climate Vulnerability Reduction Credit (VRC™) Online Tutorial
If you have heard about VRCs, find the idea interesting and want to learn more, join us for an online,...
2nd Annual International Technical Workshop on Climate Risk
***Please save this notice for future reference*** Join us in beautiful New England this Fall: Consider presenting a paper...