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Climate Vulnerability Reduction Credit (VRC™) Online Tutorial

If you have heard about VRCs, find the idea interesting and want to learn more, join us for an online, one hour training session on 18 September where you can learn directly from the creators and developers.

The Higher Ground Foundation (HGF) is completing its transdisciplinary external expert review of its ground breaking VRC™ Standard Framework. VRCs are a means for communities to protect themselves through a credit mechanism that quantifiably represents the results of good climate adaptation projects and practices, and may be instrumental in stimulating much needed investment for climate resilience.

The purpose of this tutorial is to offer existing and potential stakeholders in VRC generating projects with an opportunity to learn more about VRCs, the Standard Framework, and how projects may be registered by Higher Ground Foundation to earn VRCs. Following 45 minutes of instruction, the trainers will be available online to field questions and discuss how the VRC may be applied to different projects for different reasons.

The training will take place on Monday, 18 September at 16:00 BST (8:00 Los Angeles, 11:00 New York, 17:00 Berlin, 20:30 New Delhi, 21:00 Dhaka, 22:00 Hanoi, 23:00 Manila). Attendance will be limited in order to ensure the tutorial is interactive.

Register for this free event at:

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