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UKCIP Adaptation Wizard

Developed by UKCIP the Adaptation Wizard is a web-based tool that is designed to help users gain a basic understanding of climate change as well as integrate climate risks into their decision-making.
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Adaptation Wizard

Developed by UKCIP the Adaptation Wizard is a web-based tool that is designed to help users gain a basic understanding of climate change as well as integrate climate risks into their decision-making. Target user groups are newcomers to the climate change issue, as well as those who are preparing to adapt.

The adaptation decision framework used by the UKCIP Adaptation Wizard has eight stages. The framework provides a flexible and suitably generic approach to decision making under climate change. For this reason, it could be applied with equal relevance across many different contexts. The framework is circular, emphasising an adaptive approach to managing climate change and the need to revisit decisions in light of new information and as new knowledge emerges. Certain stages within the framework are tiered, which allows the decision maker to identify, screen, prioritise and evaluate climate and non-climate risks and options, before embarking on more detailed risk assessment and options appraisal.

UKCIP Decision-Making Framework

Download image here

The tool comprises a notepad and tables that can be downloaded from the UKCIP website. Users should go through a five-step process listed in the table below:

Download table here

Review of Adaptation Decision Tools

Introduction: Reviewing of adaptation decision tools

Reviewing tools that use a bottom-up approach & recommendations



UKCIP Adaptation Wizard






Conditions of Applicability



Analytical scope

Case Studies

Goals-oriented lens

Sector-oriented lens

Analytical scope lens

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