Action on climate change
Resilience: The Global Adaptation Podcast
Resilience is a podcast from UNEP's GAN that brings you inspiring stories from people all over the world who are adapting to climate change in practical, creative, and innovative ways. Listen to the podcasts here!
Evaluación de Riesgo de la Infraestructura ante el Cambio Climático: Puente sobre Rio Tempisque
A continuación, se presentan algunos aspectos de cómo surge el proyecto, cuál es el alcance, la definición del equipo de trabajo, la metodología utilizada y otros detalles de importancia.
Near-term warming and our chances of staying within 1.5°C of global warming
Depending on how the climate system responds, greenhouse gas emissions could still cause more - or less - warming than the best estimates from the latest climate models.
CSA 101: your online guide to climate-smart agriculture
Looking for clear guidance on how to transform agriculture initiatives to become climate-resilient? The CSA Guide website offers the tools and information you need.
C3D+ Project Profile Page
A summary of the C3D+ project, which strengthened capacities of Non-Annex I countries and institutions to address climate change through nationally appropriate measures and planning strategies.
Decarbonizing the Electricity Sector – The Energy Storage Conundrum
Nations voting for achieve carbon neutrality rely heavily on renewable energy. While efforts towards 100% renewable are needed, one should not be blind to the humongous task of energy storage.
Building a Foundation for Evidence-based Climate Research Action in Thailand
This article describes how USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific, at the request of the Royal Thai Government, provided assistance in the preparation of a National Climate Change Research Strategy.
Support to ONEP/Thailand as Chair of the ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change
This article describes how member countries were supported to identify potential assistance from donors and partner organisations to implement the ASEAN Joint Response to Climate Change Action Plan.
Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development
This book documents emerging and innovative evaluation knowledge and practice for climate change and its links to sustainable development.
Planning for NDC implementation: A Quick-Start Guide
CDKN and Ricardo Energy & Environment have developed a new ‘Quick-Start Guide’ to support planning for Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation.