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Synthesis Workshop: Climate Adaptation Platforms – Realizing the Value of Shared Learning

Presenting final outputs from the KE4CAP project, considering the evolving policy context, and exploring how KE can help CAPs support multi-level governance of adaptation in the future.
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8 & 9 September 2021

This final workshop presented findings and key messages from the KE4CAP project as it comes to the end of this phase, explored the evolving policy and practice context within which CAPs operate, and discussed how knowledge exchange activities could help CAPs support multi-level governance of adaptationin the future.

Working with Climate-ADAPT, the workshop brought together theinternationalCAPcommunity:

  • To share consolidated learning and outputs from the KE4CAP project, including an early version of the KE4CAP Synthesis Report, and explore cross-topic links.

  • To highlight the on-going value of CAPs as a means of informing action within the emerging policy and practice landscape.

  • To consider how best to support the future development of CAPs from a knowledge exchange and shared learning perspective.​

Three linked sessions were held over two days. The Event Report can be downloaded to the right.

Live illustrations from the workshop

The KE4CAP Synthesis Workshop welcomed live illustrator Katie Chappell, who captured discussions during the event. Find some of Katie’s illustrations from the event below.

Day 1, session 1 – The value of knowledge exchange between CAPs – Key findings and lessons learnt from the KE4CAP project
Day 1, session 1 – KE4CAP topics: exploring linkages and connections
Day 2, session 2 – Highlighting the evolving role of CAPs in supporting policy, practice and science
Day 2, session 3a breakout discussion – How and why will the drivers identified shape and influence the evolution and needs of CAPs to 2030?
Day 2, session 3b – How can the CAP Community be best supported through knowledge exchange activities in the future?

Session 1. The value of knowledge exchange between Climate Adaptation Platforms

This session explored key findings and lessons learnt from the KE4CAP project, and provided participants with an opportunity to delve deeper into the topics discussed in KE4CAP, how they interlink, discuss which topics are more and less established, and whether there are topics missing that ought to be included. As such, this session set the scene for discussions in sessions 2 and, in particular 3, which explored how this community of practice of CAPs want to continue and build upon the work done in KE4CAP.

Headlines from the KE4CAP Synthesis Report (with links to relevant KE4CAP event pages) are provided below. You can download these slides here.

A whistle-stop tour of lessons learned through KE4CAP

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