How to fight in a sustainable way against adverse effects of climate change in West Africa: the case of local knowledge practices

In West Africa, production systems are vulnerable and are subject to regular negative effects of natural degradation processes. These systems are particularly vulnerable to climate variability and climate change, and the consequences include: (i) the decrease in water availability, (ii) the regression of production potential, (iii) the installation of the increasing vulnerability of households.
Practices and mitigation measures are undertaken and implemented in West Africa countries by communities through mechanisms and endogenous adaptation strategies; the objective is, failing to prevent certain phenomena, to limit their negative effects on populations. Very often these local initiatives of good practices are supported by state agencies and NGOs/Associations.
This article aims to contribute to identifying, capitalizing and disseminating the best local knowledge to adapt to climate variability and climate change. It deals with all the important agrosilvopasture sectors that were identified: Agriculture, Water, Livestock breeding, Forestry, etc.
The article focuses on the results of investigation carried out by ENDA Energy, Environment and Development in these areas under the project “Capacity Development for Adaptation to Climate change and GHG Mitigation (C3D+)”. The objective is to present a capitalization of experiences, successes of endogenous mitigation of climate change by rural communities. These results should be used to guide and improve rural development policies and climate change adaptation in developing countries based on replication capabilities of the described practices.
Suggested Citation
Drame, A., Kiema, A. 2012. How to fight in a sustainable way against adverse effects of climate change in West Africa: the case of local knowledge practices. ENDA.