adaptation strategies
Climate-resilient Finance and Investment: Framing Paper
Learn about the current efforts to align finance with climate-resilient development, as well as possible ways forward for defining, measuring and mobilising adaptation-aligned finance in this OECD framing paper.
Políticas de Cambio Climático y las Estrategias de Adaptación de los Andes: una mirada multisectorial desde las montañas
Esta publicacion es un resumen del Conversatorio sobre “Políticas de Cambio Climático y las Estrategias de Adaptación en los Andes: una mirada multisectorial desde las montañas”. Read this article in English here.
Current state of climate change policies and adaptation strategies in the Andes: A multi-sectoral view from the mountains
A new regional study on the current state of climate change policies and adaptation strategies in the Andes shows the achievements in seven Andean countries, and raises future prospects.
Participatory Assessment of Climate and Disaster Risk
The PACDR is a Hazard Vulnerability Capacity Assessment Tool, designed to conduct participatory community assessments providing the basis for effective and sustainable adaptation strategies.
Training Guide: Climate Change Adaptation Project Preparation
This training guide can be used to assist government and NGOs to prepare bankable climate change adaptation proposals to access various sources of financing.
Climate Ireland
Climate Ireland connects and integrates scientific research, policy making and adaptation practice for the purposes of enhancing adaptation decision making in Ireland.
Moving towards a growing global discourse on transboundary adaptation
This briefing note describes current adaptation plans and strategies addressing transboundary risks and highlights opportunities to enhance work on transboundary adaptation.
Safeguarding A Coastal Community with Silvofishery
This blog describes how silvofishery has been used as an adaptation strategy to help strengthen an Indonesian coastal community’s resilience through safeguarding livelihoods and the environment.
SOLUTIONS IN FOCUS: Ecosystem-Based Adaptation from Mountains to Oceans
This publication by GIZ illustrates a selection of applied EbA measures in a variety of landscapes and ecosystems - from mountain to ocean, that can be found online at the PANORAMA platform.
The European Green Capital Network ‘Future-proof Toolkit’ for cities
The European Green Capital Network has launched its Future-proof Toolkit with case studies, guidance and insider tips on how cities can adapt to climate change.